Humanoids2022 provides the following two awards.
Best Oral Paper Award
This award is granted for the best paper and its presentation in the Oral sessions. The awardees are:
Duncan Calvert, Bhavyansh Mishra, Stephen McCrory, Sylvain Bertrand, Robert Griffin, and Jerry Pratt
for the paper entitled “A Fast, Autonomous, Bipedal Walking Behavior over Rapid Regions”.
Best Interactive Paper Award
This award is granted for the best paper and its poster presented in the Interactive sessions. The awardees are:
Konrad Fründ, Anton Leonhard Shu, Florian Christoph Loeffl, and Christian Ott
for the paper entitled “A Guideline for Humanoid Leg Design with Oblique Axes for Bipedal Locomotion”.
The program co-chairs nominated seven papers for each award from all the papers presented in the conference. The awards chair organized the awards committee. The committee selected the following three finalists of each award from the seven papers:
Best Oral Paper Award Finalists
F. Amadio, M. Laghi, L. Raiano, F. Rollo, A. Zunino, G. Raiola, and A. Ajoudani for "Target-Referred DMPs for Learning Bimanual Tasks from Shared-Autonomy Telemanipulation"
M. Y. Galliker, N. Csomay-Shanklin, R. Grandia, A. J. Taylor, F. Farshidian, M. Hutter, and A. D. Ames for "Planar Bipedal Locomotion with Nonlinear Model Predictive Control: Online Gait Generation using Whole-Body Dynamics"
D. Calvert, B. Mishra, S. McCrory, S. Bertrand, R. Griffin, and J. Pratt for "A Fast, Autonomous, Bipedal Walking Behavior over Rapid Regions"
Best Interactive Paper Award Finalists
K. Fründ, A. L. Shu, F. C. Loeffl, and C. Ott for "A Guideline for Humanoid Leg Design with Oblique Axes for Bipedal Locomotion"
K. Kawaharazuka, A. Miki, M. Bando, T. Suzuki, Y. Ribayashi, Y. Toshimitsu, Y. Nagamatsu, K. Okada, and M. Inaba for "Hardware Design and Learning-Based Software Architecture of Musculoskeletal Wheeled Robot Musashi-W for Real-World Applications"
J. Vorndamme, J. Carvalho, R. Laha, D. Koert, L. Figueredo, J. Peters, and S. Haddadin for "Integrated Bi-Manual Motion Generation and Control shaped for Probabilistic Movement Primitives"
The awardees were selected from the above finalists also by the Awards Committee.
Awards committee
Abderrahmane Kheddar (CNRS-AIST / CNRS-UM LIRMM) - Awards chair
Nancy Pollard (Carnegie Mellon University)
Kazuo Kiguchi (Kyushu University)
Katsu Yamane (Path Robotics)